- Forum "Vliyanie" was held in the Technopark of Zhiguli Valley
- November 27 , 2023
- The Togliatti Art Museum opened after a major renovation
- November 17 , 2023
- July 15, 2023
- AVTOVAZ Open Day
- July 14, 2023 - July 16, 2023
- III Togliatti Retrofestival "Zhiguli"
Welcome to the city of Togliatti
City of Togliatti is a large industrial and business junction of the region. About 60% of the total production output of the Samara Region is produced in the city.
Major enterprises of Russian machine building and chemical industries form the basis of the citys economy, whose products are in great demand on both the Russian and international markets.
Concentration of the Russias largest automotive and chemical plants in Togliatti allows the foreign companies to supply their equipment, raw materials and services here.
The social and economic policy of Togliatti is directed at the development of high-tech industries, thus allowing to build a high-quality production and social infrastructure, create new jobs, attract qualified personnel in the city of Togliatti, and as a result, establish new poles of competitiveness.
Aiming to create an appealing investment environment in Togliatti, a clear and distinct innovative and investment policy has been established, the main goals for operative and strategic planning have been determined for the complex development of the territory.
A comparatively high level of the residents income contributes to the active consumer demand, in its turn, making the city of Togliatti an attractive market for offering of high-quality goods and services, produced and rendered by foreign and Russian companies.
The systems of organizational and economic interaction of fundamental and applied studies, on the one hand, and an innovative and educational activity, on the other hand, are developed in the higher educational institutions of the city of Togliatti.

PDA Togliatti - the territory for your business
Togliatti is not only a major industrial and cultural center of Russia, but also a city open to investment. It is no coincidence that in 2013, Togliatti entered the top 10 of Forbes "Best cities for business." In a few years, the city district created extremely favorable conditions for the creation and development of business. In addition, large investment projects of regional and Federal importance are already being implemented in Togliatti. Foreign and Russian investors, who carry out their activities in the Samara region, were able to identify a number of advantages of doing business in Togliatti:
- Favorable geographical location of the city and highly developed transport infrastructure.
- Free production, storage, office space and energy capacity.
- Absence of mass traffic jams.
- Developed system of higher and secondary special education, significant personnel potential.
- Modern socio-cultural environment.
- The interest and support of the local authorities in attracting investments to the city.
Thus, today the territory of the city district of Togliatti is one of the most attractive areas for investment. More than 40 international companies have already opened and successfully develop their production.
One of the new opportunities for investors is to obtain the status of a resident of the territory of priority development.
On September 28, 2016, the Russian Government decree No. 974 established the territory of Togliatti as a Territory of priority social and economic development. Speaking about all the advantages that the city offers today to companies willing to invest in production in the territory of Togliatti, we primarily mean the status of a resident of the PDA area thanks to which the resident has the opportunity to obtain substantial tax benefits.
Technopak Zhiguli Valley
The project in the field of high technologies Zhiguli Valley is aimed at creating a favorable environment for innovative development and modernization of the economy of the Samara region, the creation of new jobs and diversification of the economy of Togliatti, the integration of science, education, financial institutions, enterprises and entrepreneurs.
The main task of the Technology park is to provide support to projects and companies working in the field of innovation and high technologies at all stages: from the idea to the introduction of the final product on the market.
Site address: 445043, Togliatti, Avtozavodsky district, Yuzhnoe shosse, 161
Contact information: (8482) 93-00-93, 27-02-02
Official site:
Special Economic Zone of industrial and production type "Togliatti"
The special economic zone of industrial and production type "Togliatti" was established in the Stavropol municipal district of the Samara region in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation в„– 621 of August 12, 2010. SEZ Togliatti is located in close vicinity to the city of Togliatti and next to the areas of the Alliance AVTOVAZ Renault Nissan, GM-AVTOVAZ, and Technopark "Zhiguli Valley". The total area of the special economic zone is 660 hectares.
The first stage of the SEZ "Togliatti" was opened on September 11, 2015. By this time, an administrative building (ABK), a boiler room, a checkpoint, a parking lot, about 9 km of on-site roads and sidewalks, a water intake unit and networks of household drinking and technical water supply systems with a total length of more than 16 km, treatment facilities and storm water networks, a gas pipeline longer than 8 km, power supply networks, a cable overpass and a number of other industrial infrastructure facilities were built.
The special economic zone of "Togliatti" provides wide opportunities and benefits for investors, including tax benefits, free customs zone regime, special administrative regime and free connection to industrial infrastructure.
Site address: Samara Region, Togliatti, Highway 2, SEZ Togliatti, Section No. 3, Building No. 4
Contact information: 8 (8482) 555-163;
Official site of the SEZ "Togliatti":
Industrial Park AVTOVAZ
AVTOVAZ industrial Park offers long-term lease of premises for any type of activity for residents using the infrastructure and technological capabilities of AVTOVAZ.
Addresses of sites: Samara Region, Togliatti, Severnaya Street, 111, building 1-4; Transportnaya Street, 26 and 26a; Yuzhnoye shosse, 36, building 11/20
Contact information: 8 (8482) 645-555;
Official site of the Industrial Park AVTOVAZ:
The industrial park Togliattisyntez is a complex of real estate objects managed by a single operator, consisting of industrial land plots with production, storage, administrative and other premises and facilities provided with energy carriers, engineering and transport infrastructure and the necessary administrative and legal conditions for the location of production facilities.
Addresses of sites: Samara Region, Togliatti, Novozavodskaya Street, 8
Contact information: 8 (8482) 369-494;
Official site of the Industrial Park Togliattisintez:
For mor information please refer to the Investment web portal of Togliatti